This program was designed to train office staff, educate patients, and to supplement Optometry student's class notes. The data was compiled from Optometry professors, students of Optometry and the public domain.
The program is very easy to use, simply click the mouse on the desired topic and "Ocular Anatomy Tutor" will take you there. There is a list of "KEY" words which will also do the same.
The buttons to the left will take you back to the finder, to the HyperCard "Home" card, and allow you to continue with "Ocular Anatomy Tutor". The arrow in the upper left corner of the topics page will return you to here. While in the Data areas, the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page will move you to the next or previous sections, respectively. The "eye" button will return you to the Topic page. The diagram numbers can be clicked for further reference. To get rid of the diagram just click on the "return" button.
A manual of the entire outline is available from the author for a small fee of $15.00 plus $1.50 shipping and handling. Please send check or money order to:
Dr. Mark C. Wade
611 Menlo Park Road
Green Bay, WI 54302
(414) 468 - 0403
Questions or comments are appreciated. If this type of program is utilized and liked by the user please let me know, a pathology and pharmacology program are also planned. You can register your copy of this program and obtain future updates by sending $5.00 to the author, if you purchase the entire manual above it also entitles you to future updates and other information as it comes available.
Another program, called "Coffey Cake" is a visual therapy analysis program which diagnoses, generates insurance codes, and lays out a plan for training techniques. There is also a supplemental manual of over one hundred pages full of VT training techniques to utilize in your practice.
Dr. Wade can answer any questions about these advanced programs. All of the programs are designed to increase the value of any practice while maintaining a high tech professional image with your patients.